How much should you be earning straight out of university?

If you live in Pakistan the figure should be close to 40,000 rupees. Sadly, no one will pay you that much just out of university and when you are "ill-experienced". Therefore you will need to have a plan from the start of your university education.

What to do after you have completed your intermediate?

After completing your intermediate plan about the subject that you want to study in your university. There are tons of options but you will need to find which one has SCOPE and your INTEREST.
If you are going for engineering that too blindly then that is bound to fail. Therefore, go for something you are good at or you think you will have an interest. But remember having an interest and its scope in the market are too different things.

Plan for your future:

You will need to have a plan of when will you start the job. Or when will you enter the corporate world. Remember, you can easily get an internship from the start of your second year. Therefore, start applying in all companies that you can find. Use portals like rozee, mustakbil and other online places. Send cold calls to these companies and if nothing works, ask you university recruitment department to put you somewhere. Do it asap!

Make the years count:

After first internship, do a second internship or if they ask you for the job - just do it! You can decrease your courses in order to do the job. For example, if you are taking four courses in a semester, cut one and do the job. Because your experience will count more than your classes.
In the coming years, it won't matter whether you finished university in four years or five but what will matter is how many years of experience do you have. You will be gauged and your payscale in newer companies will be set based on the experience. So make it count!

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