Blog your Photographs - P2PU

Okay so P2PU new assignment is to blog photographs which i feel resemble the 'HTML commands'

Photographs that resemble HTML

  1. <div>
So, 'Div' looks like a hollow square with things enclosed inside.
A best resemblance will be:

  1. <blockquote>
Block quote is a quote which has something text inside it. Like on a blackboard

  1. <p>
Paragraph is used to change from one row to another row, a good example will be the lanes on a road. One for fastest, fast and slow

  1. <ol>
Ol is a ordered line which means any line which has numericals to know tags position. Just like people stand and wait for a bus or a parade in army.:
  1. <ul>
Unordered line is a line which is not showing exact purpose. Like a crowd standing for not exact purpose.

  1. <li>
Li lists items, one item that is present in a line.

  1. <nav>
Navigates from one link to other.
  1. <menu>
Menu displays an ordered or unordered list.

here room is the menu.

  1. <span>

Span is used to enclose any type of text. Later, it can be used to change color settings of that text.
just like straw shape changes in liquid

  1. <time>
displays time
  1. <q>
its a quotation
  1. <img>
shows an image

Regards Sj

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